Planned pairing: Amelia x Sanjiro
normal het. amel, lavender, motley, diffused x hypo lavender striped ph. amel, caramel
Expected offsprings: normal, lavender, motley, lavender motley (maybe amel, amel motley, opal, opal motley)
Unfortunately the chosen male wasn't interestedin Amelia so no offsprings in this year.
Mushu x Molly
amel het. anery x ghost motley-striped het. amel
- 1.0 normal het. amel, anery, hypo, motley (or stripe)
- 1.2 amel het. anery, hypo, motley (or stripe)
- 3.2 anery het. amel, hypo, motley (or stripe)
- 2.1 snow het. hypo, motley (or stripe)
Unfortunately due to incubation problems most of babies were kinked. :(